Tag:Β how-to
Read 1190 times
2020-03-24 18:01

How to not go Corona crazy

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With all the information, disinformation, rumors, facts, news, and propaganda that is available, it is easy to become too marinated in the corona pandemic focus and lose touch with reality.

Have you made any arrangements to not go nuts because of all the focus on the pandemic? What have you done?

This is what I do:

  • I have maximized my news reading to once a day. Often I do it once in two or three days.

  • I have limited my news sources to three or four.

  • I only use news sources I trust not to spread disinformation or unverified rumors. Sources that make their living from reporting accurate news, not making headlines.

  • I mostly only read the headlines of corona articles. Other news I read as I would otherwise do.

  • I get my facts about the corona disease from science-oriented health sources.

  • I try to remember that what spreads most quickly is what is most unbelievable or unlikely, and therefore less common.

  • I make an effort to keep in touch with family, relatives, and friends every day. If I get crazy, they'll notice and let me know. πŸ˜‰

Best regards, Niklas 🎈

2020-03-24 18:44

I would add try to meditate, even if its only for five minutes! It is definitely trying given the uncertainty of our world's situation, but it is worth it because it can Help you from letting your mind run in circles. πŸ™‚

2020-03-26 14:21

I do my daily 1-minute-a-time-Apple-Watch-mindfulness-sessions. πŸ™‚

Best regards, Niklas 🎈

2020-03-26 14:32

Great πŸ‘ I don’t have an Apple Watch but that seems like a helpful feature.

2020-03-27 09:37

#2: Is that the breathing pauses, or anything else?

2020-03-27 16:25

#4: Yep, that's it.

Best regards, Niklas 🎈

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