Read 1687 times
2018-05-08 14:11

How to write stories

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Many dream of writing novels, scripts, poems or other texts. How do you get started? What should you think of? Are there pitfalls? How do you cure writer's block?

In this article, Karen Hertzberg gives many practical tips for aspiring writers.

How to Write a Good Story (Ideas and Tips to Get You Going) | Grammarly

Do you write? What? For whom? Have you been published? Do you have any advice to give others?

(Photo by Art Lasovsky at Unsplash)

Best regards, Niklas 🎈

2018-05-09 20:54

I used to love creative writing at school, I haven't done anything since though so I don't think I will ever write my own novel!

All the best, Leia

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