Read 2036 times
2017-11-22 14:46

How to be successful at email marketing

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Kevan Lee has written about how to market through email using science backed strategies. His list includes:

  1. Personalize your email without using the recipient’s name

  2. Avoid subject lines with 60 to 70 characters

  3. 8:00 p.m. to midnight is the prime time to send your email

  4. The best content is free content: Give something away

  5. Mobile opens accounts for 47 percent of all email opens

  6. Email still reigns over Facebook and Twitter

  7. Send email on the weekends

  8. Re-engage an inactive group of subscribers

To see all the details and get lots of scientific insights, read the whole article:

8 Effective Email Marketing Strategies, Backed by Science

Chris Kristiansen

Best regards, Niklas 🎈

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